Meeting Notes 10/10/12
Meeting Type: Advisor Meeting
Advisor(s): Dr. Clark
Members: Kyle, Sondra, Stuart, Greg, Santi (L), Darryl
Excused: Alex (sick)
Action Items
- MEs: Perform a weight and balance analysis for next week
- MEs: Do buoyancy calculations (it’s okay to use estimates for now)
- ECEs: Test the other thrusters for next week
- ECEs: Test as many sensors as possible for next week
- Design and perform test on compressed air system as soon as feasible
Meeting Topics
- Overview of current testing and prototyping progress
- Target: have something moving around in the water by the end of November!
Important Notes
- Dr. Clark was satisfied with what we’ve done thus far
- Dr. Clark advises that we do not start the meat of the project until we’ve tested everything and figured out how it works
- When testing waterproof seal, don’t forget to pressure test as well
- Stick a weight inside and pull it back up with a rope or something
- We should stick an Arduino in our waterproof prototype once we’ve made sure its safe
- Pop a thruster on with some C batteries
Transcript (Notes)
- Went over presentation with Dr. Clark
- MEs have completed wooden prototype
- Sondra and Kyle have done a back-of-the-envelope thermodynamic analysis
- Estimate that fan should be strong enough to keep internal temperature at approximately 120 degrees F
- (assume max operating temperature of electronics is 170 degrees).
- Additional fans could increase cooling by about 60% if necessary, good margin of safety
- Darryl and Sondra have determined operation of DC thrusters, had unedited video to show
- Dr. Clark wants a weight analysis
- Checked that we have travel budget
- Suggests we lower height of box
- Should probably edit our videos before posting them inline
- Test the sensors
- Test the compressed air systems
- Test the Arduino to motor stuff
- We should do the meat of the project after we’ve tested stuff
- Try to get something moving around in the water by November
- Pressure testing
- We need to figure out how to get it down
- Do buoyancy calculations
- Stick an Arduino in our waterproof prototype
- Aside: will start tracking latenesses in attending field
Group Notes
Not available